
Author: Conor John

Developing & Releasing a Style Guide

Local Development For your style guide you’re going to have to set up an npm project, at least for the purposes of this tutorial as Yarn might have a different process. I have been using Angular projects so I can showcase examples of the style guide in a demo app. If you are working with […]

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TypeScript Everything

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which as the name suggests, is a strongly typed scripting language. It is a very powerful language which accepts plain javascript but also encorporates all of the future releases of JS such as ES7/8/9 and helps to enforce best practise. I have recently started using TypeScript for quickly scripting […]

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List Replication in Scala

I’m still going through Scala bit by bit via HackerRank code tests, it’s taking me a little while to get going but the second challenge was, as per the question: Given a list, repeat each element in the list amount of times. The input and output portions will be handled automatically by the grader. You […]

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Exporting your Ionic App for Android

Exporting your Ionic App for Android So you’ve been playing with the Ionic framework and want to finally see what it looks like on your device. After all, styles, screen widths etc will be different for your chosen device. For this I’ll be focusing on building for Android, mainly because I only have an Android and […]

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Hacker Rank – Functional Programming in Scala

Print “Hello World” on a new line ‘n’ times. Challenge 2: object Solution { def main(args: Array[String]) { val sc = new java.util.Scanner (System.in); var n = sc.nextInt(); // Print “Hello World” on a new line ‘n’ times. f(5); } } def f(n: Int) = (1 to n) foreach(x => println(“Hello World”))

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Psuedo Elements & Advanced CSS Selectors

Having worked on a number of quirky projects where I had limited access to the markup I had to find other ways around selecting and styling a number of elements. In order to do this I had to find other ways to select the elements by class or ID (usually class). Advanced Selectors Some platforms […]

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PhoneGap Camera Plugin

First off, in the terminal navigate to the root directory of your phone gap application. Next run this command to install the camera app dependencies: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera . You may also need to navigate to the plugin’s folder and run npm install . Your index.js file should look a little something like this: […]

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Compile JavaScript in your Sublime Text 3 Editor

So I was going through tutorials on JavaScript loops and such. I needed to find a better way of compiling my JavaScript to streamline the whole process. So I looked into a build process for JS within the text editor, I already had one in place to launch the webpage in Chrome but nothing for […]

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Getting Started With TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which allows you to write either regular vanilla JavaScript, or, by following the syntactic grammar that TypeScript has developed. It allows you to write classes and functions short hand which is then compiled into robust and scalable JavaScript. If you would like to read through the documentation for typescript […]

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CSS For Print

This is a living document It isn’t often used anymore, however a very helpful trick to know when designing a website for a client is to optimise it for print. So if it is any sort of instructional website at all there is a likelihood of the page being printed off for educational purposes.

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